What Disney Sells and You Should Too, MIC Key™ Snaps, V2 I15

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 5:11 AM

Walt Disney described his company’s purpose as making inanimate objects move to tell a story that makes people, especially families happy. All Disney’s efforts—from black and white cartoons to color, to feature length animation, to theme parks, to the Disney Cruise Line—deliver on this formula. For frontline Disney cast members, especially those at the theme parks, Disney simplified the formula into “We sell happiness.”

Note that this formula focuses on the end purpose and that the product is a delivery method for achieving that purpose. All cast members, for example, know that their primary purpose is customer happiness. If, for example, a custodial cast member simultaneously sees trash to sweep up and a family to assist, happiness suggests that the family’s needs come first. It’s no accident that Disney custodial cast member shirts sport a logo, showcased in the snap above, proclaiming they are "guest service" team members.

Many other organizations, likely including yours, have mission statements. But few have purpose statements. Revelon founder Charles Revlon CEO once shared, “We sell hope.” If Revlon sells hope and Disney sells happiness, what does your organization sell? And, how could you make that purpose absolutely clear to your team?